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How to Apply for Roshan Gharana Solar Program

Maryam Nawaz Sharif, the Chief Minister, started a program called Roshan Gharana. It aims to give solar systems to 50,000 homes in Punjab. In the first part of the program, 50,000 homes will get solar systems through a lottery. How can you join this program? What are the rules to be part of it? This article has all the details you need. If you want a free solar system, read this article carefully to know everything about it.

How to Apply for Roshan Gharana Solar Program

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Eligibility Criteria

If we talk about who can join this program, it's important to know it will happen in stages. Right now, the first stage is starting, so let's focus on who can join in this first stage. In this stage, families that use up to 100 units of electricity per month can join the program. Also, only 50,000 families can join in this first stage. If more than 50,000 families apply, the Punjab Government will hold a lottery to pick the lucky 50,000 families.

Let me explain who can join: Only families from Punjab can use this program. It's because the Punjab government started it, so it's only for people in Punjab. The government might change who can join later on.

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Solar Package Details

Many social media sites are talking about the government giving out six solar panels. I'll tell you what's included in this solar system. In the first part, the government will give a 1-kilovolt solar system. This system will have two solar panels, a battery, an inverter, and wires.

Registration Process

If we talk about signing up, the Punjab government is testing how well solar systems work in homes by trying out a 1 KV system in some houses. If the trial goes well, then the government will start letting people sign up for it. So, it's important to know that signing up hasn't started yet, but it might happen soon.

If I explain how to register, it means families who want to can visit their nearest Bank of Punjab branch. They need to bring their application and their electricity bill from the last six months.

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Final Words

Punjab's leader, Maryam Nawaz, has launched a new plan to help people live better. This plan is about using solar power to make homes more sustainable. Families that don't use a lot of electricity can save money on their bills with solar panels given by the government. The article talks about who can join and how to sign up. Keep an eye out for updates on the website for more info from the government.

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